Sunday, May 18, 2008

Blocked again....

Hey Friends! I have been slacking on the blog front recently and most of that is due to my bloggers block, but I was going to post a few things today with some delightful pictures, but once again, the Chinese Government has blocked blogs....and so I am using an anonymous proxy server to write this post. We leave this amazing country on May 26th...and we are filled with a trail mix of emotions....(wiping a tear as I smile)

When we are back in the good Ol' U S of A I will share our photos of the Great Wall and our adventures in Beijing and so much more. Thanks for checking our brings us joy to share our life with good friends and family. I have also enjoyed checking on all of your blogs frequently as I LOVE seeing what you are all up to. Don't let me forget to blog about the Stench Phantom....