This is a picture of my bathroom sink....yeah, bottles. Brighton was an okay nurser the first couple days of her existence...and then it went down hill. I was so exhausted that I decided that I was either going to switch to formula or pump...well, my little mommy heart kicked in and wanted the best for my baby girl and I have now been pumping for 6 very long months. I am going to continue to do it as long as I can stand (and I am hoping that it will work out to be a year), but until then, this is what I look at daily. Bottles ready to receive their nectar and picked from the tree and sent to the fridge. I am blessed to have much milk...my freezer is a freakin' dairy. Any how, this is all for the little one...the girl I love the most in this world...Brighton.
and I am so grateful that my baby has benefited from your charity, sharing your wholesome healthy milk! she's more of your daughter than mine now :)
love you!
I did this too for my first baby, Annie! He refused to nurse from almost day one, and would only take a bottle, so I pumped for a year. It was hard at times, especially because he wouldn't take formula at all, but it was so worth it! Keep it up!!
You are a champ! I too would like to nurse but am very worried I won't be able to. In the back of my mind pumping is my back up plan so I know who to turn to if that day comes :)
You are seriously a champ! I can't believe you have been pumping for so long! I would have given up a long time ago. Heck, I wish Violet would take a bottle of boob juice! Jack wouldn't take a bottle either. Sigh. If only. It would be so nice to spend more than two hours away from my baby. Not like I want to leave for a long time but it is a pretty short leash you know? BTW, I also can't believe you produce enough milk for the pump. Do you have to pump in the middle of the night? How long does it take? Seriously, a champ!
WOW!.. You are really champ!..., I can't believe you have been pumping for so long! I would have given up a long time ago.
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That's impressive! I am seriously amazed that you have that much milk to pump! Good for you Annie!
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