My darling neighbor Julie took these pictures of us at our complex and I am so grateful! Julie is extremely talented...she makes the most delicious desserts and treats and because she is so nice and I live so close to her...I am a lucky recipient of this goodness. Chocolate covered strawberries were great after the baby. Brighton is now 6 and a half months old and gets more fun by the minute! Just this last week she started sleeping 10 hours, HALLELUJAH! She eats solid foods, has less blowouts and talks up a storm. She always says dadadadada (which Robb says is because she loves her daddy so much...which she does, but he refuses to believe it is because it is easier for her to say) I love this little peanut to pieces! My life will never be the will always be better because of this GORGEOUS little girl.
Oh! My! GOSH!! She is out of this world!! What a deliciously gorgeous baby you have! And does your neighboor want to practice more photography with Olivia? hee hee
Annie, these are great pictures. I am still itching to take some of your little family! Brighton is so gorgeous and is looking more and more like you! You are such a good mom and I can tell you just dote on that little girl all day long!
p.s. dying over the painted toes. I can't wait to do that to my little girl! I do it to Kesley now, but for some reason it's so much cuter on a little one! Don't ya think?!!
Brighton is so adorable! I love that third picture with the beanie, her eyes are gorgeous and I love the open mouth grin. I didn't know that you guys were selling your place. I'm going to give you a call about that.
Thanks again for the gift and visit! Axel had fun playing with Brighton :) We will need to get together some time soon! Kory said he was sad he missed you guys.
Vision without effort is daydreaming; effort without vision is drudgery; but vision, coupled with effort, will obtain the prize.
Needed is the capacity to make that second effort when life’s challenges lay us low.
Stick to your task ’til it sticks to you; Beginners are many, but enders are few. Honor, power, place and praise Will always come to the one who stays. Stick to your task ’til it sticks to you; Bend at it, sweat at it, smile at it, too; For out of the bend and the sweat and the smile Will come life’s victories after a while. —Author Unknown
Annie, she is BEAUTIFUL! I love her gorgeous blue eyes! Tell Julie she did a fantastic job. Does she do it for a living?
Oh! My! GOSH!! She is out of this world!! What a deliciously gorgeous baby you have! And does your neighboor want to practice more photography with Olivia? hee hee
love ya!
she is beautiful..
WOW!... She is soo beautiful...I love her gorgeous blue eyes!
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Annie, these are great pictures. I am still itching to take some of your little family! Brighton is so gorgeous and is looking more and more like you! You are such a good mom and I can tell you just dote on that little girl all day long!
p.s. dying over the painted toes. I can't wait to do that to my little girl! I do it to Kesley now, but for some reason it's so much cuter on a little one! Don't ya think?!!
She is soooo cute! I love it! It looks like you got attacked by "vince" too!
I swear she went from a newborn to 6 mo. over night.
Brighton is so adorable! I love that third picture with the beanie, her eyes are gorgeous and I love the open mouth grin. I didn't know that you guys were selling your place. I'm going to give you a call about that.
Thanks again for the gift and visit! Axel had fun playing with Brighton :) We will need to get together some time soon! Kory said he was sad he missed you guys.
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