Hello Friends! For the five of you that even read this blog...here are a few new pics of the happenings around our crib. Miss Brighton has FINALLY learned how to crawl on all fours...she used to do this army crawl but has since graduated to her knees and hands instead of pulling herself across the floor. I CHOPPED my hair....it took a few days to fall in love with it, but now that it takes 20 minutes to do versus 45 minutes...and I have always wanted a faux hawk...I indeed love the cut, Thanks Crystal. Brighton turned 1 this month! We had a bash of all bashes...I am embarrassed at the amount of money I spent on this little girls day, but she is worth every penny and more....It was a Rainbow Brite party with lots of treats and pics to come....we had a dear friend who takes AMAZING pics come and capture some precious memories for us. And the top picture? Well that is my little Valentine...she was a BIG hit at church today. I am definitely a proud mama. That little girl is the bomb! Hope everyone's Vday was special. 'Til next post! XOXO
I always read your blog, and I love it!
hugs hugs, you two are SO beautiful, me loves you!
If I forgot to tell you on facebook, I like your hair. That huge cake thing picture, Brighton looks like a pretty good mix of you both.
holy crap she is huge! In a good way of course! I swear you were at my house yesterday and she was still a bitty thing ....I love your hair, its very flattering!
I am totally in love with your haircut! I'm always wanting to do something fun and funky and this hairdo is the best I've ever seen! I can't believe how hot you look!
Brighton is darling, we'd love to meet her one of these days...
I found your blog! Add me :)
Yea that you updated your blog! I have no room to talk, but I will anyway. :) Cute pics! Brighton's the cutest and you are so gorgeous! Love the haircut.
Brighton is one cute Valentine! And I love her birthday cake!
Hey Love! I check in on your blog once in awhile, so there are more then 5 people who read it.. I feel the same way too sometimes.. You never know who visits your site if they don't leave a comment... and let's face it, who doesn't like to see they have mail? lol
Cute hair- I was super worried when you told me you were going shorter.. you just never know what it will look like on someone your not use to seeing that short.. but you freaking ROCK the hair cut girl.. and I am not just saying that.. You know me.
Glad Brighton's birthday turned out like fun and I can't wait to see the pictures your photographer took.
I love your hair Annie! My little guy did the army crawl forever too before he was on all fours, and I love the name Brighton, she is way stinkin cute! So I signed up for that half marathon, are you doing it?
Ya still want to buy a pair of them pants off me? Lemme know.
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