I know what you are all thinking....how did we get the CUTEST most BEAUTIFUL baby out there? I dunno....we just did. Allegra George took this amazing pictures over the Thanksgiving break and I loved them the second I got a peek. Thanks Allegra....speechless. I am the worst blogger ever...yes, I know, but I don't have time to care. Most if it is business with lives, baby, work, exercise...and yes, some of it is pure laziness. Brighton is now 11 months old....where did the last 11 months even go? It literally seems like a dream since I pushed this incredible blessing out of my....well, any way, time flies....and I hate it. I am busily planning her one year party....Rainbow Brite is the theme...and I can't wait to post those pictures when they come...hopefully it won't take me until next Christmas to get them up. Brighton weighs around 15 lbs....a teeny little fart, but my most favorite fart there is. This new year comes with hope for a better year than last (although having Brighton totally tops any year) Robb is working diligently with his business Buck Hard, and I am busy working at Dr. Swenson's and teaching dance. Life is busy, but it is great. I have loved getting back to the gym....Zumba-ing it up with the best darn teacher out there (Kass...) and falling in love with step all over again, and when I can't get my butt to the gym, I dig deep and find some fondness for the treadmill. Please enjoy these pics...I know I do, I am the proudest mommy and wife out there. XOXO
What a handsome family! These are really great pics and Brighton is the star for sure! You look beautiful and your man is definitely handsome but let's be honest, she is just too cute for words! Love em! Thanks for the update. BTW, did you come up with and make that peacock costume all on your own? I think it is so awesome and creative!
Love your pictures!!!! Your family is darling and Brighton is to die for! 15 lbs!? Tiny tiny!!! Love ya.
finally, the family pictures! GORGEOUS! but that's so easy when the models are you and Robb and Brighton!! :)
I miss you so much! Seeing you last month was just TOO dang short! I can't wait until you come out here to see me! And Mathias has been waiting for patiently to see his girlfriend again..
Adorable pictures! You truly are a beautiful family
Love your guts
She sell sea shells down by the seashore
seriously, i'll take pics of you guys ANY day. i have to admit you were one of the easiest families ever to take photos of... you're all so gorgeous, and brighton was all smiles and such a happy girly. she is SO DANG CUTE. oh yeah, i got the check forever ago and forgot to say thanks! so...thanks:) i'll mail you a receipt/invoice soon, too. don't know if you want one but some people like it for taxes or records and such, i guess...
i wish i had your motivation to go to the gym. i really love to go, but just haven't gone forever! and now that i'm preggo i'm too lazy:) good for you!
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