This is a picture of Brighton when she was 6 months old...I needed a happy picture with this post, one that the second you look at it, you can't help but smile....because life is hard. I often wonder why I was blessed to be born to my parents, live in a safe place, a free country, blessed with health and strength, BLESSED. Please don't get me wrong...I am not writing to brag....I just feel blessed and sad at the same time thinking of those in Haiti....those sweet mothers and fathers, children...dead in the street. Bodies piling up and people following the flies to find more dead bodies. My heart hurts. Along with the devastation in Haiti and other world disasters, my heart aches for friends and those I don't even know who have lost loved ones, and more particularly babies. I stare at Brighton and can't imagine my life without her. Those that have lost a baby in their pregnancy have a hold on my heart strings. I don't have the words to say other than I'm sorry. If I could take away the hurt and pain that people are feeling around the world I would. I don't know what it is like to lose a child and I pray I will never have to...but for those who have....I love you...and I certainly know God loves you....sooner or later everything will be ok. Peace be with you I pray with all my heart and soul...Don't give up.