Saturday, July 25, 2009

yes...i absolutely am.

For the few of you who read this blog....if by the end or middle or beginning of reading this post, you are asking yourselves, "is she really writing about this?" The answer is yes. Damn yes, hell yes and all the other explitives I won't write here but am absolutely feeling. I am angry. I am so mad I could spit fire from my eyeballs. If looks could kill, they would right now... I mean you could actually look at me and you would be dead (not only because I actually look like death, but because I am MAD!) Okay, here it is. A drug is a drug. Pain killers, tobacco, heroine, cocaine, nicotine...They are all addictive. ALL!!!! Would anyone out there rather have someone they love take one over the other? Doesn't taking any of them result in being unworthy to go to the Temple, practice the Priesthood( i.e blessings)? What the HELL is the point of a 20,000 dollar rehab if you are okay with tobacco afterwards? 20,000 dollars that NO ONE has the money for....nevermind the thousands of money that is being paid in your behalf for the dumb ass mistakes YOU made. And He is saving your behind...not the other way around. You are damn lucky he is yours because any other Dad would not. And in my heart of hearts, I blame him to. Someone that I love and respect so a major part of this problem. Really. I mean, I don't get it. I want to punch both of you in the face...


The Thompson Family said...

Man, that sucks Annie. I love how you are so honest about it though, I know how much you love him and it has to hurt alot. If you didn't care so much about both of them you wouldn't be so mad. If you need to talk lets do lunch. I love you.

Kika VilaNova said...

aw Annie! I think I know what you're talking about. I wish I could give you a hug right NOW! I will call you later, maybe we can go to the pool and relax and talk about things. i LOVE YOU LITTLE SIS :)

Shanna said...

oh Annie! I am so sorry! I will pray for you! Love you. glad you vented! Seriously am! if you ever need to talk call me! I mean it.

6 P's in a Pod said...

I wish I had the answers. Addiction is an ugly, ugly, ugly monster. It's Satan's greatest tool (or one of the greatest!) I pray 24-7 that my children spare themselves and their families the complete agony of becoming an addict.
I'm sorry for your hurt. I love you so much!
P.S. Everything WILL work out in the end. I do know that for sure.

Whitney said...

Annie, I re-found your blog today. I hope you don't mind me reading it sometimes. I just got the update on your family issues this weekend as I talked to someone who is in my fam and yours :), and want you to know that I have had the EXACT same feelings over and over with my own Mom and Dad. Addiction sucks and I can't even begin to describe how mad and sad and confused I have been while dealing with other people's retarded decisions. Anyway, I understand where you are coming from and I know it is super frustrating. I liked that you vented and aren't afraid to say what you think! way to go!