Today we heard the heart beat! (does anyone remember Dirty Dancing and the heart beat part? that is what my title is from) Wow....are you kidding me? How in the world can I hear my baby's heart beat and when shim is soooo small? The medical world is miraculous....and I must say I actually kind of believe I am preggo now after our appt. The fact that there is LIFE inside of me? There is no going back, and my doubts of being a good mother have been flooding in today. And man, I am naturally a REALLY sensitive person, but I cry at EVERYTHING these days! Well, baby, I will do my best to make you a nice home and we can't wait to know if you shall be a little princess or a strapping young prince! Ta ta for now little peanut!
John Bryant here. Congrats on everything in your life: a beautiful wife, a baby on the way, getting your MBA...everything. I'm extremely happy for you. I visit with one of your relatives up here in Coeur d'Alene, Niles Shirley, all the time. Hope to see you some day soon and catch up. Cool beans!
I bet it's exciting to hear the heartbeat. I'm really excited for you guys. You'll be a great mom, really.
annie, that is so exciting. the first time i heard the heart beat i was in so much shock and awe.. and just had so much love. you'll be a great mom! btw, max's due date was feb 6th.. born on feb 7th.. maybe your baby will share Max's birthday. haha
That is the cutest little story Annie and especially the way you told it! You are going to be agreat mommy and I hope that shimm us a healthy one! you are already so proud and it's not even here yet! You are so cute! Lets play soon K!!!
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