Wednesday, July 30, 2008
So You Think You Can Dance!!!!!!
Okay, no pictures, but if I could take them from tonight's show I absolutely fruitly would! Holy sheep shiz!(alright, I just heard that from my sis-in-law Bear a booba and had to use it) Who in the worldness to you choose to go home? They are all fantastic. Chelsie is a freakin' babe-a-licious! Could anyone be any cuter? And her talent is phenomenal! Plus, I DIG the fact that she has a NORMAl dancer body...she ain't no stick figure! Um, HI Katee and Joshua!?!? Every time they dance together it truly is magic(one of the judges said that...wipe a tear) And did you see the dance Mark and Courtney did with Sonya Tayeh as the Choreographer? It was the bee's knees! It was so intense and the hits in the music with the hits in the, my heart be still. And come on, who of you wouldn't get Sonya's mohawk and style if you could? She is a gorgeous woman....someday ladies and gents, I would love to get that marvelous hawker of hers! I had to blab about tonight, cuz I just luvs dancing! Older I get, harder it is to get out there and DANCE! But boy, I tell you what...I couldn't live with out it. Dance provides freedom for my soul, that i just can't achieve any where else. So for all you beautiful dancers out there (especially all the talented ones that I have been PRIVILEGED to dance with) I am pointing my toes for you as I write! Toodlee Doo!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Go- gong, go-gong

Sunday, July 20, 2008
On the up and up
Happy Birthday to me! I must say that this year's birthday was quite enjoyable. I slept in until 11 am and just lounged around. ( I am usually not so lazy, but this darn jelly bean in my stomach is keepin' me plum tuckered, and I hit the point at 8 weeks where all I wanted to do was puke) I was feeling pretty nauseous so I tried to lay low, knowing that we were going to dinner later and I wanted to eat! Robb had gone a fishin' at 5 am and when he returned he got down on one knee and pulled a box from behind his back and asked me to marry him again....with a little sterling silver ring. He was so sweet as he explained that was all he could afford...(we are still on the job search) and I wanted to cry because of his sweetness in even getting me anything! My mom and dad were SOOOOOO nice and took Robb and I out to dinner at Le Olive Garden (oh wow, those darn bread sticks are the best-o) and it was a perfect night. Robb had another little surprise up his sleeve when we got home as he brought me out to the patio to see the other present he got me...or rather put together for me. The old chair in the picture belonged to his great-grandpa and was in a shed with other little treasures for a long time. He brought it home 3 years ago and it sat on our front porch of our apartment for those years before we packed it up for China. It had become quite a bit less sturdy while chillin' in our storage unit and so the creative hubby that he is, he took it to a shop, sawed a hole out of it and put a pot in the middle so I could plant some flowers in it and it could beautify our home some day. He is cute.....I just love him. I got some much loved money from my parents and a delicious green bath robe with a duck on it(I love ducks!) So my birthday was awesome...not because of the stuff I got(though that was much appreciated) but for the time I spent with family. 26 and pregnant! (Sounds pretty good eh?)
The price of being a cowboy
These here pictures do no justice to the awful bruising my dad experienced over a span of two weeks from an incident in the mountains with one of his beloved horsies. His leg got much worse after a few days as it spread from the top of his thigh, to his foot, and the point of impact was at his knee! My silly dad has still not gone to the Dr. after 3 weeks of being a cripple because he is quite stubborn. So here is the scene, he is galloping up a grand mountain and sees two trees in the distance, he heads for the space in between the trees and as he leads his horse through them (he is still galloping) and BAM! He misjudged the space between the trees and rams his knee directly in to the on of the trees! I swear he is an experienced horseman, but sometimes on his horses he feels a bit too invincible. Needless to say, the bruising has gone, but his knee cap is a bit off from alignment.
From a month ago, but sure love my dad!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Full of posts....and midnight cravings
All right, there ain't no pictures with this here post, but I wanted to share a cute story(okay...probably more cute to me than anyone else, but hey, it is my blog...)
So being pregnant and all, I am expecting these interesting cravings. So far- none! Nothing sounds good which is so disappointing, because I LOVE eating! Seriously, I think about what my next meal should be and most often than not, stuff my self into misery because I don't want to waste even one tiny, certainly tasty morsel! Any who, to my story at hand....a week ago,(sunday night) my hubster and I are laying in bed around 11:45pm. I am exhausted because I am pregnant, and I am thinking of the day I have ahead of me the next day... suddenly, breaking through the silence of the night and the exhaustion of my thoughts- Robb sits up in bed and says; "You know what sounds so good right now? Mcdonald's French Fries!" Oh it was just about the cutest thing I have heard! My cute hubby, having a craving! (usually his cravings consist of fruit or a fresh fruit drink) I must admit, it did sound good, but what I was craving was sleep, and so, as I told him it was too late, I watched as his face slipped slowly into disappointment; his body slide down into the bed and the covers pulled to his chin as a sigh escaped his perfect mouth. I have vowed from now on to go with my husband when a craving hits him....because that sad little moment when I declined his excitement was not worth the one hour of uncomfortable sleep I got that night. Late night cravings, here I come!
So being pregnant and all, I am expecting these interesting cravings. So far- none! Nothing sounds good which is so disappointing, because I LOVE eating! Seriously, I think about what my next meal should be and most often than not, stuff my self into misery because I don't want to waste even one tiny, certainly tasty morsel! Any who, to my story at hand....a week ago,(sunday night) my hubster and I are laying in bed around 11:45pm. I am exhausted because I am pregnant, and I am thinking of the day I have ahead of me the next day... suddenly, breaking through the silence of the night and the exhaustion of my thoughts- Robb sits up in bed and says; "You know what sounds so good right now? Mcdonald's French Fries!" Oh it was just about the cutest thing I have heard! My cute hubby, having a craving! (usually his cravings consist of fruit or a fresh fruit drink) I must admit, it did sound good, but what I was craving was sleep, and so, as I told him it was too late, I watched as his face slipped slowly into disappointment; his body slide down into the bed and the covers pulled to his chin as a sigh escaped his perfect mouth. I have vowed from now on to go with my husband when a craving hits him....because that sad little moment when I declined his excitement was not worth the one hour of uncomfortable sleep I got that night. Late night cravings, here I come!
Me and My Guy
Robb-bubba with his fishy
So this little fishing trip took place back in June on a Saturday evening. Robb asked me out on a date and of course I obliged and we went up to my aunt's place in Midway. I was famished, and so we went to The Famous Dairy Keen in Heber and got some grub. I must say it was a great start to the date! We headed to a part of the Provo River that runs behind my aunt and uncle's place and sure had fun. I caught two fish, and Robb caught about 5. There was one point in our fun evening, when Robb carried me across the river on his back and I had the fishing poles, one in each hand....I just wish someone could have taken a picture! I decided that on our way crossing back, that I would walk with Robb....holy ice water! I almost drowned in three feet deep water! I had to give Robb a pat on the back for carrying me on his back in that ice bath. The night was a success, as it ended with a kiss....and a sleep over!(hee hee)
Strawberry Days.....and cream
(pictures from top to bottom: My cute cowboy dad, THE strawberries and cream you HAVE to get when you go, my oldest nephew Kaden and the gorgeous Rodeo Queen, some rough-ridin' cowboy on his buckin' horse, and last but not least, Ram(the most sweetest, kindest guy with the best attitude you will ever meet! He is family to us for sure, you have to meet this dude!)
So it has been tradition for a while now to head over to Pleasant Grove and go to the Strawberry Days not only was my first date with Robb, but a yearly thing with my family and I usually love it! It has only been the last two years that I have started to question the treatment of animals at rodeos...I mean seriously, have you seen the calf roping and steer wrestling? The poor babies necks are getting yanked and twisted and I just can hardly stand watching it! I may have to join PETA(I can see myself now, picket signs and protesting as my family passes me at Strawberry Days next year). Besides the neck twisting, I have a great time with my family, and took some sweet pictures, so here you go!
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