Yes, what you see is true....Anne Kimball Pinegar Shirley is actually pregnant. I had been avoiding motherhood as long as possible, and was actually concerned that I wasn't "aching" to have children, as that seems to be the woman's primary purpose in life. But Robb has been wanting a kid for some time now and we practiced our hardest in China! So yes, we can say our baby was actually "Made in China"! I am 8 weeks pregnant and I couldn't be happier! I was baby hungry in China(which is a miracle, because I usually would get sick to my stomach thinking of me being pregnant) and now I am just sick to my stomach because I am pregnant...all those darn hormones swirling about! There are four tests in the picture because I just couldn't believe it was true! It happened so quick for us, but the Dr. told me there was a false negative, but no such thing as a false positive...so my eggo is definitely preggo. I kept it a secret from all but my mom and my sis-in-law for a week and 2 days! It was so hard not to tell Robb....I just told him Aunt Flo was in town and acted my heart out! I totally deserve an Oscar! I announced the pregnancy by having a Chinese dinner with all the adults in my family. I brought back some super cute rice bowls and chopsticks from China that I was dying to use and my Mom and I bought fortune cookies, broke them open, and replaced the fortunes in them with others that had to do with babies. We were totally sneaky! After we ate the yummy Chinese dinner, we opened the fortune cookies and each read our fortune aloud, oldest to youngest. After they were all ready, my brother asked where in the HE-- we got the fortune cookies, because the fortunes totally sucked! No one understood what message I was trying to convey! I finally yelled out "I'm Pregnant!" I had to say it twice before people actually understood what I was saying...(I have joked in times past that I was pregnant, just to get a rise out of people, and so I am sure they didn't believe me this time....I am like the boy who cried wolf I guess.) Robb's face was classic! I wish I would have snapped a picture...he was speechless! I was worried that he wasn't excited, but he just sat there stunned. He said he was most surprised that I kept a secret for so long! Any who, I am due on February 8th and we get to hear the heart beat on July 21st! (My mom is so proud that I am so obedient...she told me I had to come home from China with a baby in my tummy.) Some of you may be having a heart attack from shock right now....but it has been a great four and half years with Robb and we are pleased to welcome a new partner in crime!
Congratulations, Annie!! You will make such a wonderful mom!
Congrats!!! The "Made in China" bit is classic!
Congratulations! That's so exciting!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!
Congrats! You're going to be the cutest little mom. I'm so excited for you and Robb.
Congratulations! My first was a birth-control baby (I was fighting motherhood also!) and once I saw her, I knew I was hooked. And now I have 2! Go figure!
While I don't think that having children is an obligation or even a goal all women/married people should strive for, I am definitely pro pro pro baby.
I got teary reading this! I am so, so happy for you. All my love.
And um, ps... when am I going to see you!? Hellloooo! Adjust, already, and get back to dance! Sheesh!
Congratulations! That's really exciting! Just a suggestion, but Kory is a great name for either sex.
Congratulations! I am sooo happy for you and totally jealous! You will be a great mom, good luck with all that morning sickness, rumor has it it totally blows!
OH MY GOODNESS!! CONGRATULATIONS! That was awesome how you told everybody...I love it. "Made in China" I laughed. Oh what a great surprise..
Congrats! We are so excited for you guys!!! I hope your not too sick!
I am so excited for bay Shirley! Yeah!!!
That is great you guys! Brett and I were just talking the otehr day about how cute your kids will be! It really is the GREATEST!
Yay!! My little sister is having a baby! I am so glad I was around and heard it so soon, I feel so blessed to be close to your family and can hopefully nanny this one Pinegar too! :)
Hooray!!!!!I am flippin screaming right now! I am soooooo dang excited for you girly! Annie you will be the best mommy in the world. You are such a sweet person and friend it's so obvious you will be the perfect mommy! I can't wait to meet this little angel of yours! February is toooooooooo farrrrrr away! Any names picked out for either sex?? Lets seriously get together. Cory will call Rob and we will set up a double date!!!!
Congrats Annie girl! We're excited for you! Being a mom is the BEST thing EVER!
That is awesome. Congratulations. I know that it can be scary but it's the greatest thing you will ever experience. You will do awesome. That is one lucky baby!
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