After three long weeks in the hospital(for Bear) he came! I stole this picture from my sister-in-law's blog and I am in heaven! He was born April 30th a little after 7am. He is 5lbs 12oz and 18 in long. He wasn't breathing on his own for a while, but he is doing super now! I wish I was home to hold my new nephew! His name is Graham Gillette Pinegar. We give our nephews nick names, and his 2 1/2 year old brother is Taytor Tot, and now he will be Graham Cracker! Ahhhh....look at this perfect child. Congratulations Davey, Carson, Kessley, Tayson and Bear! XOXOXOX
He is surely a PINEGAR! What a cutie!
I can't wait to hold him, I told Bear I'd be his nany everyday when I'm off work, yay :)
Love you ANnie!
That is so tiny! I think my sister was working that night. I will have to ask her if she remembers that baby. He is too cute. Congratulations!
I saw him for the first time today and he is DARLING!! Definitely a Pinegar. He's just a little bit of nothin', that's for sure. He's so tiny. Oakley was so jealous when I was holding him. She kept saying, "Put him back in bed." Hahaha.
He is beautiful Annie! Tell them congrats! He weighed 3 ounces less than Logan did when he was born and he was also 18 inches! What an angel!
just checking to see if you are alright?! I heard there was an earth quake in China! Was it where you were?! Post something soon!!!!
Love you!!
Annie: Dito! I was just watching the news after the Bachelor and they said China had a huge earthquake. Please post something soon so that we'll know you and Robb are ok. I am worried right now! Love you, Jenn
Annie: Don and I are wondering if you two are ok.
Love, Susan and Don Allen
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