What would I do with out this dimpled grin?
So here is to the love of my life...Robb also called Blobby(his brother Ryan called him that when they were little, plus Robb has the cutest baby picture ever with his legs sticking out of his crib with about 20 rolls up his legs). Love is patient, love is kind and that is Robb to a tea. Old boyfriends out there would agree I am not the easiest girl to deal with, but somehow Robb knows just what to do...that is just one reason I am sure we found each other. Robb LOVES to play soccer, and comes home with battle wounds...I am always greatly concerned. Robb loves juice...grapefruit, grape, apple, coconut, orange and all the flavors in between. He loves healthy food, but not because it is healthy, but it tastes better to him!(man I wish some of those taste buds could transfer to me, since I love everything unhealthy!) Robb loves Church...he has dragged me there on more than one occasion, and he has an amazing testimony. Robb loves singing out loud and has changed the lyrics to a number of famous songs(it always makes me giggle). I could go on forever about my guy, and I am sure you will come across another post about the greatness that is Robb, so to spare the sticky sweetness that are my thoughts on Robb I will lastly say that Robb loves me for me. He always thinks I am pretty and seems to be blind to the flaws that cover my body(a few too many dimples, and not when I smile...) I love you Robb-buh buh!
These pictures of Robb-a-boobah are so fun! I love soccer and so does Trevor, we should go play this summer for fun, how about that?
It is so cute to see the love you have for each other! I am sure he appreciates you for who you are: beautiful unforgetable Annie!
I love my ROBB-A-DEW-BA-DICK-DICK so much, too. You guys really are a match made in heaven. I love you both very, very much. Can't wait until you get home!
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