Saturday, December 6, 2008

Why do I bother?

I bought this red hoodie for Chloe and was SOOOOO excited to come home and put it on her....she hates it! I am taking it back, but I had to get a picture of my little pup in a christmas hoodie. I guess she feels best in her birthday suit! ( Continue down to more posts, as I have added some new posts about the past month....)

Graham Cracker

I love this kid! This is my little Graham bro and sis finally got a brown eyed boy. All of their other kids are blond haired and blue eyed. This little fart definitely has a hold my heart! He has sleep overs with Robb and I (and he doesn't get that you SLEEP at sleep overs) but it is great practice. Love you Graham!

Voting and a Birthday boy!

Yes this all happened about a month ago, but I am still going to blog about it. I voted for the first time in my life...(kinda sad since I have been able to for 8 years) but it was fun and exhilirating and pretty darn cool! My little Blobby had a birthday on November 5th, the big #31! What a cute old man he is right? We went to Old Spaghetti Factory for some dinner (his favorite) and I got a him a pretty funny card with some bright blue running shoes he had been wanting. I am so glad Robb was born, because I don't know what I would do with out him...Love you honey!


Really Chloe? She thinks she can park her behind anywhere! Robb was laying on his stomach on the floor working on his computer and Chloe walked right on to him and plopped down. She didn't move when he came to his hands and knees. She is so funny, we love having Chloe around! (even when she gives us a covered wagon in the middle of the night...pee yew!)

Good ol' Austin...

My days at work are never dull, especially around 2:00 pm when Austin rolls in to work. Austin likes to sing (really loud) and has even helped me find a name for my baby. I told him I really liked the name Nash for a boy, and when I found out it was a girl, he decided to keep Nash but make it more feminine...hence the new name, Nashita. What a beautiful name, don't you think? I had to blog about Austin in this awesome lab coat...perfect fit for him! Thanks Austin for making the afternoons entertaining and for keeping us on our feet.